For Researchers

BIRD funds research and supports the next generation of researchers into bone and joint diseases

Research Grants:
We focus on awarding pump prime funding for smaller projects undertaken in or from Bath for the benefit of patients worldwide. We fund research projects in rheumatic diseases which:

  • Help to promote and advance medical knowledge
  • Improve treatments for patients
  • Encourage collaboration between clinicians and research scientists

Each year BIRD offers bursaries to RNHRD and RUH hospital staff to help them attend rheumatology conferences. We aim to help to develop their knowledge and careers, enabling them to improve their patient care.

Other funding opportunities:
Occasionally BIRD will also offer funding for special projects, this could be for supporting PhD studentships or for other specific projects or expenses that would support rheumatology research in Bath.

Research Grants

BIRD welcomes applications for grants in support of research. 

We focus on awarding pump prime funding for smaller projects undertaken in or from Bath for the benefit of patients worldwide. We fund research projects in rheumatic diseases which: 

  • help to promote and advance medical knowledge 
  • improve treatments for patients 
  • encourage collaboration between clinicians and research scientists 

We look to award pump priming funding of small to medium-sized grants that would be ideally suited to pilot studies, preliminary research, tests of clinical effectiveness or would enable other grants to be made for the above research. Our guideline for grant amounts is £10,000 – £20,000 but we may consider greater amounts, please contact the Executive Director (ED) before submission. We encourage match funding where the applicant has secured funding from another source.

The Research Assessment Group meets twice a year to make awards totalling £80,000 – the application deadlines are 31st May and 30th November.

To apply for a research grant from BIRD, please review our grant awarding policy and complete our grant application form.


Bath Institute for Rheumatic Diseases (BIRD) is keen to encourage health professionals based in the RNHRD to attend BSR and EULAR each year, as part of encouraging all clinical staff to be research-active and the RNHRD’s reputation for research excellence.

Bursaries are usually available for registration fees and a contribution towards travel, accommodation and expenses to all those who are presenting an abstract, poster, chairing a session or actively engaging in some way.

Applications for 2025 conferences will open shortly, we will update this page with application criteria as soon as possible.


Other funding opportunities


Other funding opportunities:
Occasionally BIRD will also offer funding for special projects, this could be for supporting PhD studentships or for other specific projects or expenses that would support rheumatology research in Bath.

We currently do not have any other funding opportunities to advertise currently, but please get in touch if you have any exciting project we may be interested in and/or complete a research grant application as above.

If you have any questions or need any further information, please contact

Research projects funded by BIRD

Project TitleOrganisationAmountProject LeadTypeProject SummaryExpected Completion Date
Utility of a novel imaging biomarker for the identification of excess cardiovascular risk in auto-immune rheumatic diseasesRUH Bath£19,950.92Jessica EllisResearch GrantView Project SummaryAug-24
Promoting the regression of angiogenesis in the pathology of rheumatoid arthritisUniversity of Bath£19,953.00Amanda MackenzieResearch GrantView Project SummaryFeb-25
Knowledge exchange of IP-MS method at KU LeuvenUniversity of Bath£2,720.00Fionnuala McMorrowResearch GrantView Project SummaryJul-24
Assessing the Vascular Endothelium in Systemic sclerosis associated Pulmonary hypertension to improve Early and Rapid diagnosis (VESPER)RUH Bath£20,000.00Joseph PageResearch GrantView Project SummarySep-25
EULAR/BSR/Other bursariesN/AMax £10,000VariousConference Bursary for BSRTo followAug-24
Other awards including RUH Database Team Laptop and £50 vouchers for external reviewersVarious£1,028.00VariousFunding RequestN/AMar-24

Project TitleOrganisationAmountProject LeadTypeProject SummaryExpected Completion Date
DATa Analytics for PAtient Scheduling (DATAPAS)University of Bath£19,998.00Özgür ŞimşekResearch GrantProject SummaryMar-23
Summer StudenstshipUniversity of Bath£3,120.00Louis GodtfredsenStudentshipProject SummaryAug-22
How common is VEXAS syndrome in an adult rheumatology population? Multicentre study over 3 sites in South West EnglandUniversity of Bath£20,000.00Ben MulhearnResearch GrantProject SummaryAug-24
Nick Hall bursary awardsBIRD£2,000.00VariousBursaryProject SummaryDec-22
BSR/EULAR bursary’sBIRD£4,620.00VariousBursaryProject SummaryAug-23

Project TitleOrganisationAmountProject LeadTypeProject SummaryExpected Completion Date
Medication use during pregnancy and pregnancy outcomes in women with chronic inflammatory diseaseUniversity of Bath£14,695.00Anita McGrogan and Rachel CharltonResearch GrantProject SummaryeJan-23
Identifying support needs for rheumatology patients following COVID-19 shieldingUWE/RNHRD/Uni£19,766.00Dr William TillettResearch GrantProject SummarySep-22
NIHR Clinical Lecturer postUniversity of Bath£2000
(year 4 of 4)
Dr Sarah TansleyNIHR Clinical LecturerAs in previous yearsCompleted June 2021
Conference Bursary for BSRN/AMax £300Jade SkeatesConference Bursary for BSRProject SummaryCompleted May 2022
Conference Bursary for BSRN/AMax £300Dr Ben MulhearnConference Bursary for BSRProject SummaryCompleted May 2022

Project TitleOrganisationAmountProject LeadTypeProject SummaryExpected Completion Date
Non-Invasive Parameters of Pulmonary Hypertension in SclerodermaRUH£11,500.00Dr Jennifer RossdaleResearch GrantProject SummaryAug-22
Building on experience during the COVID-19 pandemic to maximise virtual consultations in Rheumatology careUniversity of Bath£20,000.00Dr Fiona Gillinson & Dr Paula SmithResearch GrantProject SummaryDec-21
Extensions awarded to ongoing projects effected by Covid-19N/A£23,216.50N/ACost extensionsN/AN/A
PhD studentship focussing on autoantibody sensing for early diagnosis and subsequent monitoring of rheumatic diseasesUniversity of Bath£15,000.00 (year 4 of 4)Dr Stefan BagbyPhD Scholarship for CTI, University of BathAs in previous yearsMar-22
NIHR Clinical Lecturer postUniversity of Bath£24,107.00
(year 3 of 4)
Dr Sarah TansleyNIHR Clinical LecturerAs in previous yearsCompleted June 2021

Project TitleOrganisationAmountProject LeadTypeProject SummaryExpected Completion Date
Validation of the myositis specific antibody profiles in an Indian Cohort of patients with inflammatory myositisUniversity of Bath£17,368.55Dr Latika GuptaResearch GrantProject SummaryJul-22
The Post-traumatic Osteoarthritis Support Tool (POST) studyUniversity of Bath£11,865.00Dr Carly McKayResearch GrantProject SummaryCompleted July 2021
Characterising autoantibodies in patients with Juvenile-onset sclerodermaUniversity of Bath£10,795.00Dr Sarah TansleyResearch GrantProject SummaryJan-23
Validation of 3D ultrasonography for the analysis of spinal load in Axial SpondyloarthritisUniversity of Bath£4,136.00Dr Dario CazzolaResearch GrantProject SummaryMarch 2021 TBC
PhD studentship focussing on autoantibody sensing for early diagnosis and subsequent monitoring of rheumatic diseasesUniversity of Bath£15,000.00 (year 3 of 4)Dr Stefan BagbyPhD Scholarship for CTI, University of BathAs in previous yearsMar-22
NIHR Clinical Lecturer postUniversity of Bath£24,107.00
(year 2 of 4)
Dr Sarah TansleyNIHR Clinical LecturerAs in previous yearsCompleted June 2021

Project TitleOrganisationAmountProject LeadTypeProject SummaryExpected Completion Date
The impact that chronic inflammatory diseases and medication have on the health of mother and baby during pregnancyUniversity of Bath£5,630.00Anita McGroganResearch GrantProject SummaryProject not started
Identifying novel pathogenic molecular pathways and therapeutic targets in systemic sclerosisUniversity of Bath£9,900.00John PaulingResearch GrantProject SummaryCompleted September 2019
Exploring educational challenges in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritisUniversity of Bath£25,597.00Abbie JordanResearch GrantProject SummaryCompleted July 2021
Follow on research on the characterisation of the immune cell populations in psoriatic arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis using single cell RNA sequencingUniversity of Bath£7,300.00Mark LindsayExtended Research GrantProject SummaryCompleted July 2021
PhD studentship focussing on autoantibody sensing for early diagnosis and subsequent monitoring of rheumatic diseasesUniversity of Bath£15,000.00 (year 2 of 4)Dr Stefan BagbyPhD Scholarship for CTI, University of BathAs in previous yearsMar-22
NIHR Clinical Lecturer postUniversity of Bath£24,107.00
(year 1 of 4)
Dr Sarah TansleyNIHR Clinical LecturerProject SummaryCompleted June 2021

Project TitleOrganisationAmountProject LeadTypeProject SummaryExpected Completion Date
Adherence to anti-TNF therapy in Rheumatoid ArthritisUniversity of Bath £2,000.00Kishwar KhanumSummer StudentshipProject SummaryCompleted September 2017
Further comparison of the ease of use of inhaler devices in people with and without rheumatoid arthritisUniversity of Bath £2,000.00Natasha KilpatrickSummer StudentshipProject SummaryCompleted September 2017
Development of ELISAs for the detection of novel myositis autoantibodies (TIF1 alpha, TIF beta and PUF60) in UKMyoNet patientsUniversity of Bath £24,887.38Neil McHugh/Danni LiResearch GrantProject SummaryJul-22
Maximising the treatment benefits of physical activity for patients with ankylosing spondylitis: Tackling long-term adherence and maintenanceUniversity of Bath £33,815.00Peter RouseResearch GrantProject SummaryMar-22
BIRD Therapeutics PhD Scholarship for the Centre for Therapeutic Innovation, University of BathUniversity of Bath£15,000.00 (year 1 of 4)Dr Stefan BagbyPhD StudentshipProject SummaryMar-22

Project TitleOrganisationAmountProject LeadTypeProject SummaryExpected Completion Date
ASCAM Study: A qualitative interview study of complementary and alternative medicine therapy use by people with ankylosing spondylitisUniversity of Bath£5,506.03Dr Abbie JordanResearch GrantProject SummaryCompleted June 2021
Ankylosing Spondylitis and Work project, a biomechanics approach to inform self-management programmeUniversity of Bath£30,000.00Dr Dario CazzolaResearch GrantProject SummaryJan-22
An epidemiological study of systemic sclerosis and its association with cancer in the UK using the UK Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD)University of Bath£30,000.00Dr John PaulingResearch GrantProject SummaryDec-21
Characterisation of the CD4+ and CD8+ T-cells populations in psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis and rheumatoid arthritis using single cell sequencingUniversity of Bath£9,895.00Prof Mark LindsayResearch GrantProject SummaryCompleted July 2019